Corporate governance

Storskogen is a Swedish public limited liability company. Prior to the admission to trading of the company’s B-shares on Nasdaq Stockholm, the corporate governance was based on Swedish law as well as internal rules and instructions. Once the company’s B-shares have been admitted to trading on Nasdaq Stockholm, the company will also comply with, inter alia, Nasdaq’s Nordic Main Market Rulebook for Issuers of Shares and apply the Swedish Corporate Governance Code (the “Code”). The Code applies to all Swedish companies with shares admitted to trading on a regulated market in Sweden and shall be fully applied in connection with the admission to trading of the company’s B-shares on Nasdaq Stockholm. The company is not obliged to comply with every rule in the Code as the Code itself provides for the possibility to deviate from the rules provided that any such deviations and the chosen alternative solutions are described and the reasons therefore are explained in the corporate governance report (according to the so-called “comply or explain principle”).

The company will apply the Code from the time of the admission to trading of the company’s B-shares on Nasdaq Stockholm. Any deviation from the Code will be reported in the company’s corporate governance report. However, in the first corporate governance report, the company is not required to explain non-compliance with such rules that have not been relevant during the period covered by the corporate governance report. Currently, the company does not expect to report any deviations from the Code in the corporate governance report.


Group management

Read more about Storskogen's executive management

Group management