Financial targets

Financial targets 2025-2027

Adjusted EBITA margin (LTM1):    >10%
Adjusted cash conversion (LTM1):>70%
Adjusted EBITA growth (CAGR):15%
Interest-bearing net debt / adjusted RTM2)EBITDA:
Dividend policy:0–20% of Group net profit for the year

1) LTM – Last twelve months  
2) RTM – Rolling twelve months (adjusted for acquisitions and divestments)

Historical financial targets (up to and incl. 2024)

These targets were replaced by updated financial targets in connection with Storskogen's Capital Markets Day on 27 November 2024. Find more information about the Capital Markets Day here.

Organic EBITA growth1)Real GDP growth2)+1–2 percentage points
Adjusted EBITA growth, including acquisitions
 In line with historical levels
Adjusted EBITA margin (over time)10%
Adjusted cash conversion3) (annual basis)>70%
Interest-bearing net debt/adjusted RTM EBITDA4) 2.0–3.0x

1) Calculated as a change in EBITA, excluding acquisition and divestment effects from acquisitions, compared with the same period in the previous year.
2) In existing markets.
3) Calculated as operating cash flow in percent of adjusted EBITDA.
4) Calculated as interest-bearing net debt compared with adjusted RTM EBITDA