Companies within Services

Södra Infragruppen Sverige

Södra Infragruppen Sverige, SISAB, is a group of companies active in, among other things, trenchless digging, transport, construction, fiber, telecommunications and electrical development. The companies include Telarco, nds Nordic Drilling System, LM Transport, CSAB, Miljögården, Tofta Gård, Budettan, Allan Eriksson Mark and Markbyggarna i Skellefteå.

Södra Infragruppen Sverige

Companies within other business areas

Storskogen’s companies are divided into three business areas, Services, Trade and Industry, with underlying verticals. The companies contribute to good operational and geographical diversification, which creates stability and conditions for growth. The companies all have a strong market position, a proven business model, long-term profitability and an entrepreneurial spirit in common.