Increased number of shares and votes in Storskogen Group AB (publ)

Regulatory information
Corporate news

As of today, 29 October 2021, the number of shares in Storskogen Group AB (publ) is 1,672,763,188, divided among 148,001,374 shares of series A and 1,524,761,814 shares of series B, and the number of votes in Storskogen Group AB (publ) is 3,004,775,554.

The number of shares and votes has changed during October as a result of issuances of a total of 208,049,396 shares of series B, redemption of 51,335,798 shares of series A and conversion of 98,667,588 shares of series A to 98,667,588 shares of series B that were carried out in connection with the admission to trading of the company’s shares of series B on Nasdaq Stockholm on 6 October 2021.

For further information, please contact:

Daniel Kaplan, CEO, and co-founder
Tel: +46 73 - 920 94 00


Lena Glader, CFO
Tel: +46 73 - 988 44 66

Michael Metzler, Press Officer
Tel: +46 70 – 455 58 81


This information is information that Storskogen Group AB (publ) is required to make public pursuant to the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out above, at 15:00 CEST on 29 October 2021.