
Storskogen acquires Markbyggarna i Skellefteå

Transactions, Services

Storskogen has entered into an agreement to acquire Markbyggarna i Skellefteå via its subsidiary LM Transport. Markbyggarna i Skellefteå performs digging and excavation work within fibre and power solutions. The company reported a turnover of SEK 29m and an EBITA of SEK 4.5m for the financial year 2020/2021, ending in August. As per today, Markbyggarna i Skellefteå has five full-time employees. Storskogen expects to complete the acquisition in the beginning of the first quarter 2022.

Markbyggarna i Skellefteå performs digging and excavation work within fibre and power solutions. Markbyggarna i Skellefteå is an add-on acquisition to LM Transport, a part of Södra Infragruppen Sverige (“SISAB”), a group of companies specialising in fibre, telecommunications and electrical expansion. The SISAB-group is comprised of Telarco, nds Nordic Drilling System, LM Transport, CSAB, Miljögården, Tofta Gård and Budettan (the acquisition of Budettan is expected to be completed in the beginning of the first quarter 2022).

According to Michael Larsson, CEO of LM Transport, the acquisition of Markbyggarna i Skellefteå strengthens and complements LM Transport’s service offering in Västerbotten, Sweden. “Markbyggarna I Skellefteå will operate under its own brand but there are opportunities for collaboration with LM Transport as they are already established in the same region, especially through LM Transport’s work on Northvolt’s battery factory” says Michael Larsson.  

Markbyggarna I Skellefteå was founded in 2005 by Roger Lindgren and Roger Forsling. Roger Lindgren will continue in his role after the transaction.

”We are very happy to have LM Transport and Storskogen as a new long-term owner of Markbyggarna i Skellefteå. We believe there is potential for collaboration between the companies”, says Roger Lindgren and Roger Forsling.

The company will be part of Storskogen’s business area Services within the Vertical Infrastructure, for which Niclas Rundlöf Bolin is responsible.

”We look forward to Markbyggarna I Skellefteå becoming part of LM Transport and SISAB. The company will contribute with its competence and experience from digging and excavation work within fibre and power solutions, which is a great complement to LM Transport’s current service offering. I am excited to follow the company on its continued journey”, says Niclas Rundlöf Bolin.

For more information, please contact:

Michael Metzler, Press officer
Phone: +46 704 555 881
E-mail: michael.metzler@storskogen.com

About Storskogen

Storskogen acquires and manages well-managed and profitable small and medium-sized enterprises within the business areas Industry, Trade and Services in the Nordic countries, DACH and the United Kingdom. On 30 September 2021, Storskogen consisted of 94 business units with a total of approximately 7,000 employees and a trailing annual turnover (RTM) of over SEK 19 billion.